Friday 28 May 2010

Looking at my type at first glance can look as a normal type but what are the different various aspects in  that justifies me relating it to a transport type looking at the apex, ear and tail i added a arrow shape which is associated with direction signage's this arrow is quite visible if the font is set relatively large but still looks quite good also set in a smaller size. the smooth curves represent the roads in a smooth way rather than rigid lines like a navigation system graphical direction interface. I'f I had proceeded with less smoother acurate lines it would've being disastrous as giving directions on the motorway have to be clear and straight forward for the users to understand. Looking at the art deco earlier stages art movement i wanted to leave the most important lines in the words and delete all the unnecessary lines for simplification and clarity which was one of my main targets throughout the design process.

Typeface Final Posters

Yes you've read it this is part of my final typeface. I'm quite happy with the the overall results through the design development. I was able to experiment with various different shapes although I wanted to develop a legible typeface which can be used by ordinary computer users rather than using any contour lines of any transport objects such as vesicles which is quite ordinary in such way. Looking at Margaret Calvert inspiration work really pushed me to design a road sign type I did  wipe out a few parts of the signage system to keep the type consistent and relevant as a ordinary type.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Design progress

I've almost completed designing all the lower case letter forms. I can spot a few mistakes which I will revisit later to fix. For now I will develop the uppercase letter forms which is main type for the poster to create a promotional poster for this typeface.

Development design work

This set of uppercase letter forms may look quite familiar with other typefaces. I've drawn every letter digitally on Illustrator. I felt my typeface should represent roads curvy and straight inspired by Herbert Bayer Universal typeface. I'm quite pleased with the outcome as it really came out as I intended it to be my next step would be is designing the lowercase set and then finalize the typeface by adding arrows to each letter to create the Margaret Calvert and Jock Kinneir road motorway direction pictogram.

Development design work

This is my second attempt after failing miserably keeping my typeface clean and consistent through the letter forms. This time I wisely switched on my grid and started drawing the alphabets as how I desired them to look like also this time I started designing the letter forms vertically rather than rotated which was quite hard to make sure the typeface font size was accurate after completing this set of uppercase letter forms I would rotate them individually using the transform rotate tool in Adobe Illustrator this ensures me again accuracy in designing the typeface process.

Development design work

Looking at Margaret Calvert road signs I was inspired to design a set of letter forms shaped in the form of a motorway direction sign after noticing that words can be made out of it

Looking at this road sign I can distinguish this shape as the letter form 'C' with the direction arrows coming out of it. I can design various different letter forms to design a typeface.

This my first attempt am not very happy with the outcome as I hesitated with designing the type and immediately started design the letter forms rotated not bearing in mind keeping the type consistent with fixed width and height. Perfecting this type in this stage was ignored therefore I will have to restart designing this type this time bearing in mind all the rules designing a typeface. The clarity and simplicity in this attempt is not evident which is one of my main targets to design a user friendly transport type.

Margaret Calvert

Margaret Calvert is a typographer and graphic designer who, along with colleague Jock Kinneir, designed many of the road signs used throughout Great Britain, as well as the Rail Alphabet used on the British railway system and an early version of the signs used in airports.

After moving to England in 1950, she studied at the Chelsea College of Art. Jock Kinneir, her tutor there, asked her to help him design the signs for Gatwick Airport, where they chose the black on yellow scheme for the signs after researching the most effective combination.

In 1957, Kinneir was appointed head of signs for Britain's roads. He then hired Calvert to redesign the road sign system and she came up with simple, easy-to-understand pictograms, most notably the signs for 'men at work' (a man digging), 'farm animals' (a cow), and 'schoolchildren nearby' (a girl leading a boy by the hand, whom she later revealed to be herself), based on pre-existing European road signs.

In addition to her road signs, she has designed commercial fonts for Monotype, including the eponymous Calvert' font, which she created for use on the Tyne and Wear Metro system.

Railway typeface designed by Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert for British Railways.

Rail Alphabet is similar, but not identical, to a bold weight of Helvetica (and, not quite as similar, Akzidenz Grotesk  or Arial). Akzidenz Grotesk had earlier also provided the same designers the broad inspiration for the Transport  typeface used for all road signs in the United Kingdom.


Here are a few shots I've taken at the Sauce Gallery Swifty exhibition. I quite like swiftys style which looks quite street art and involves interesting colour pallets. The typography he incorporates in some of his work are of recognized brands which he re brands himself with his own unique identity as example the Mars logo and Twix. His work represents his identity as the style seems consistent.

VAG Rounded

VAG Rounded is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed in 1979 as a corporate typographic voice for the Volkswagen AG motor manufacturer. The typeface is rounded on all strokes.

Looking at this typeface it looks very simplistic and very unique and relative to this design era. The rounded curves in this are the main inspiration I found looking at this typeface which I may use in developing in my typeface.

The typeface was used for the Volkswagen and Audi Dealer Organization, and for all non-car related activities of Volkswagen, such as the V.A.G Bank and V.A.G Leasing.

GGK Duesseldorf, was tasked with the branding concept. Finding a distinct typeface was an integral part. Volkswagen at the time had Futura as their typeface. Audi at the time used Times. The new typeface should not be sans serif as the Futura, and it should not be serif as the Times. A rounded typeface did not exist at the time, it had to be developed. The original idea was conceived by Wolf Rogosky (creative director) and Gerd Hiepler (art director). Over several years, the identity concept was refined by Bertel Schmitt (creative director) and Manfred Schwarzer (art director). The original typeface was rendered by hand. It was then perfected on a PDP-8 minicomputer.

Formula race circuits

While watching Formula One on tv I've noticed from the contour of the racing circuits they almost look like letters this gave me the idea of researching several different Formula One racing circuits and see which letters I can make out of them.

Looking at the A1-Ring this Formula 1 race circuit was used in 1997-2003 in Spielberg. Looking at this circuit it looks quite similar the letterform 'U' or rotated upside down a letterform 'N'.

The contour of the Brands hatch in Kent is quite interesting as its shaped as the letterform 'J'. Considering the legibility of my type I started feeling that using these formula one contour lines is not as appropriate I considered. It may put off many computer users from using this typeface therefore I will develop some more ideas in the interest to create a transport legible type.

Here are some letterforms I managed to create, I would rate the readability of these letterforms 0 out of 10 and would likely never use it so therefore I will scrap this idea.


Bauhaus was a school of design, architecture, and applied arts that existed in Germany from 1919 to 1933. It was based in Weimar until 1925, Dessau through 1932, and Berlin in its final months. The Bauhaus was founded by the architect Walter Gropius, who combined two schools, the Weimar Academy of Arts and the Weimar School of Arts and Crafts, into what he called the Bauhaus.

The Bauhaus art movement was more of a lifestyle than a school, Bauhaus was based on the static rules of Art Deco. One of the main idea of the Bauhaus movement was to remove everything unnecessarily and break a design down to its essential elements.

From my observement looking at the Bauhaus graphics work Bauhaus shares elements with Russia’s constructiveness movement in its simplicity and boldness. The geometrical shapes look almost like road maps.

Herbet Bayer_ Universal Typeface

Herbert Bayer typefaces are very inspirational he the designed universal type, consisting of only lowercase letters constructed with circles and straight lines, at the Bauhaus in 1925. The type looks very modernized and relevant. What I observed of this Universal san-serif type looking at it reminds me of road curves and paths. The type looks very appealing and would defiantly be one of my main inspirations to design a appealing modernized transport type.

Coming soon....

Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....

Coming soon....

Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....Coming soon....

Inspirational Typography

This typeface was created using photos looking upward at a building it looks quite abstract not a legible type but nice to look at. The shots look very interesting at the angles they were shot at.



For our typography brief we had to research several different types of typography Serif and San Serif. We have to design our own unique typography looking at roads, road signs and transport as our main inspiration this was quite interesting as their is a lack of typography font made out of transport shapes. I intend to design readable legible typeface and recognizable to others as they will be able to identify where my typeface idea came from.